If you’re worried about privacy, you should worry about the 2016 census
If you’re worried about privacy, you should worry about the 2016 census

If you’re worried about privacy, you should worry about the 2016 census

The debate over warrantless mandatory data retention was just the tip of the iceberg, as the ABS’s removal of census anonymity demonstrates.

Source: ABC News : If you’re worried about privacy, you should worry about the 2016 census

“For the past 45 years, it has been the ABS’s practice to destroy that identifying information as soon as all other information on the census forms is transcribed – first onto magnetic tape, and now into vast digital data banks that allow statisticians to slice and dice at their whim.”

Will you now be more or less willing to complete that 2016 Census form if you know that the Cth government will now keep your name alongside your responses ?