Q: Why do I need a data inventory? No one in my company actually wants to do it and it’s a lot of work.
Data inventory, once completed, can save you a lot of work in the long run. Once you know where your data is, what data you have, who uses it, and where — and how long — it is kept, then you can streamline a lot of decisions, especially if you also have a data classification.
Setting up a data inventory simplifies the determination of privacy impact.
Source: Why Your Company Needs a Data Inventory – Association of Corporate Counsel via Lexology
We advise clients that the Australian Institute of Company Directors have previously written : Businesses need to assume a cyber security breach will happen and prepare accordingly.
We can advise clients in various areas of cyber security law including your legal response to a data breach and preferably your planning for potential breaches. Refer to our page of cyber security services or contact us on 8278 1779 to discuss.